Mejora tu AR-15 con el selector de seguridad ROCK RIVER ARMS. 🛡️ Manejo rápido y seguro, ideal para usar con guantes. ¡Hazlo tuyo!
Tipo de arma:AR-15
Peso de entrega:0,018kg
Altura de envío:13mm
Ancho de envío:69mm
Longitud de envío:94mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.x
Hacer: AR-15
32.9EUR32,90 €
Los precios incluyen el IVA, y el transporte de EE.UU a España, no incluye el envío a su domicilio.
N.º de producto: 739000007
N.º fabr.: AR0104D
El almohadilla redonda permite una operación rápida y positiva; especialmente importante al usar guantes. Rueda fácilmente bajo tu pulgar para una aplicación o liberación más rápida.
Round thumb pad gives fast, positive operation; especially important when wearing gloves. Rolls easily under your thumb for faster application or release.
Perfil Redondo Rueda Bajo Tu Pulgar
El almohadilla redonda permite una operación rápida y positiva; especialmente importante al usar guantes. Rueda fácilmente bajo tu pulgar para una aplicación o liberación más rápida.
Tipo de arma:AR-15
Peso de entrega:0,018kg
Altura de envío:13mm
Ancho de envío:69mm
Longitud de envío:94mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.x
Opiniones de clientes
Calificaciones de clientes (14)
4 / 5
Claramente recomendable
Worked on my S&W, TNW and Andersons 18/07/2018
I've installed several of these and they have all been of good fit and finish, working well on multiple receiver makes. I prefer it over the standard selector, It really does roll under the thumb and with gloves feels more pronounced from the receiver than the issue safety. I'm glad Rock River put these out there. It might just be me, but I'd rate the classy art deco looks to be on par with the classiness of the original International Harvester Metro grill.
The Star safety works, is an improvement and looks great.
Ligeramente recomendable
Disapointed 29/06/2017
This safety would not function with my JMT Saber drop in trigger
Claramente recomendable
I like it. 23/04/2017
I have a pet peeve with safety selectors. I like them to be positive & smooth. This selector has both. The additional benefit of the extended bump is also a plus. I'll order more.
As a side note, I installed mine on a lower with a non adjustable Jard trigger. The selector can be placed into the 'safe' position with the hammer in the 'fired' position. When that is done, the hammer blocks the BCG, preventing you from charging .... so the safety must be placed in the 'fire' position to charge the BCG, IF the hammer is in the 'fired' position.
Ligeramente recomendable
Great feel, bad design... 29/12/2016
This is a great feeling safety lever. However, the back side of the lever is cut away too much and the lever can over ride the stop on the receiver and/or chip the finish and actual material of the lower. I wish it had been executed properly as the feel of the lever is great.
Claramente recomendable
Great Product !!! 30/08/2016
Great product. The best feel under the thumb of any selector I have encountered. I have installed 20+, always functions 100%. Never had a cosmetic or mechanical issue.
Claramente recomendable
My favorite selector 21/07/2016
I have purchased atheist six of these for both building new lowers and replacing what came on a factory rifle. The star button is easy to hit first time with the thumb. Price is great when compared to other custom parts.
Ligeramente recomendable
Not machined correctly 06/11/2013
I give this two stars because it is built well, but the machining is not done right. The back side of the selector, the opposite side of the star, is machined to far. When installed in a standard Aero precision lower (who makes a lot of lower for other companies) it barely catches the selector stop. It chipped the paint on mine. If this gets fixed it will be an awesome selector.
Claramente recomendable
PERFECT!!! 04/04/2013
Why blow $90 on an ambi safety when there are so many other options to upgrade on an AR-15. This selector is great- I would love to know what "one star Jeff" was trying to do with his????
Claramente recomendable
This will be my SECOND ONE 04/11/2012
These selector switches are top notch. Building rifle for my wife, and this will be going on her new build. I have one on my 9mm also. Very nice
Claramente recomendable
A great little improvement 14/03/2012
Sometimes I wonder about these reviews. I installed one in a brand new DPMS LR 308 and it fit every bit as good as the original. Also, it is a one piece part (not an ambidextrous safety) so there is nothing to press together or break. I love these because my thumb finds them easily and quickly. The color is a tiny bit lighter than the DPMS receiver, but who cares. Bottom line, buy one, you'll like it.
Great addition! 18/07/2011
I have converted all my AR15's to this selector. Very easy to engage without repositioning your hand from the grip.
On a side note, they will not fit DPMS 308 lower receivers without modification to the receiver or lever.
Claramente recomendable
works great 28/01/2010
This selector is great and easier to engage. For the price, a great little addition to any AR. Built well like all Rock River products.
No recomendable
Rough fit, weak casting 09/01/2010
The fit was so rough and the metal so weak that one of the levers broke while I was trying to press them together. Scuffed my lower as well.
Claramente recomendable
A great add on Safety Selector 18/12/2009
I recently purchased this selector but I guess do to my age I couldn't remember where. Luckily I stumbled onto it again. These selectors are great. I plan on replacing ALL of my selectors with this style. The use of the safety is simplified with more positive control and no slippage. The small knob protrusion lets you easily role your thumb over or under the selector with minimal effort. If you buy one and try it, you will probably buy another. Brownells also has the quite affordable.
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Mejora tu AR-15 con el selector de seguridad ROCK RIVER ARMS. 🛡️ Manejo rápido y seguro, ideal para usar con guantes. ¡Hazlo tuyo!
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This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Bloque de gas modular con riel fijo integral y opción de añadir hasta tres rieles Picatinny adicionales para accesorios tácticos.
Fabricado en aluminio billet 6061 para una alta resistencia sin añadir peso, y se monta al cañón con tres tornillos de acero endurecido.
Especificaciones: acabado en negro mate anodizado duro, se ajusta a cañones estándar de .750" de diámetro, y dimensiones de 1-7⁄8" de largo, 2-7⁄64" de ancho, y 2" de alto.
La caja de munición está hecha de polipropileno prácticamente indestructible, lo que garantiza durabilidad y resistencia.
Incluye una bisagra mecánica con garantía de 25 años y un cierre Snap-Lock para evitar derrames accidentales.
Es compatible con una variedad de tamaños de cartuchos, incluyendo 223 Remington, 222 Remington y 6 x 47, y puede almacenar hasta 100 cartuchos.
El Lyman Magnum Inertia Bullet Puller tiene un diseño de cabeza que funciona con cartuchos pequeños y grandes.
Puede extraer un proyectil de una ronda cargada sin dañar la vaina o la bala.
El mango moldeado con inserción de goma proporciona un agarre cómodo y seguro.
El Die de Crimpado de Fábrica de LEE PRECISION asegura la bala con mayor firmeza, mejorando la precisión del disparo.
Un crimpado firme aumenta la presión inicial, resultando en una curva de presión más uniforme y menos variación de velocidad.
Compatible con todas las prensas de recarga de 7/8"-14 y adecuado para el cartucho 300 AAC Blackout.
El Case Prep Multi-Tool de Lyman ofrece todos los accesorios esenciales para la preparación de vainas en una herramienta compacta y de doble extremo.
El mango estriado se desenrosca para almacenar todas las partes y permite montar dos cabezales de herramientas simultáneamente.
Incluye herramientas para desbarbar por fuera, desbarbar por dentro VLD, limpiadores y escariadores de cazoletas de pistón grandes y pequeños.