SE ADAPTA A: Carabina AR-15; Carabina AR-15 del Gobierno
Tipo de arma:Colt,AR-15
Peso de entrega:0,181kg
Altura de envío:28mm
Ancho de envío:130mm
Longitud de envío:157mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.y.1
Opiniones de clientes
Calificaciones de clientes (5)
4,2 / 5
Claramente recomendable
Perfect fit on my Colt OEM LE6920 19/07/2017
Exactly as described in text and photos... What you see is what you get. Fit perfectly on my Colt m4 4 position tube. This is higher quality than other commercial buttstock... The shape on this is different and is smaller than other m4gery style buttstocks... Check the pics then compare it to your non colt M4 style stock . Im happy with this. This product also contained 2 cage codes on it. One was a colt cage code and the other was a p&s cage code.
Claramente recomendable
AR-15 Stock Assy Collapsible OEM BLK by 01/04/2017
Fits perfectly on my OEM Colt LE 6920 M4 - does not have a Colt logo on it - but none of my other Colt stocks do either - just noticed that.
No recomendable
This is going back. Not sure who's at fault but this thing BARELY fits over a stock factory Colt buffer tube. You have to force it and it does NOT slide freely. NO WAY I'm going to have a part on my rifle that gets bound up. Something is wrong with this batch or something.
Claramente recomendable
There is nothing like Colt products. 30/05/2012
Excellent product and great price. As always, Brownells delivered great products for a great price.
Claramente recomendable
Late model M4 stock 24/02/2012
Just wanted to share with everyone that this is a complete late model (pre Rogers Super Stock) M4 sliding butt stock that is the same as the one on my LE6920 made in 2010, S/N LE0691xx. It includes the sling swivel and all small parts associated with the assembly. It was shipped in a bag marked Colt Defense. The schematic incorrectly shows an early model M4 stock with no sling swivel.
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Descubre la culata plegable AR-15 OEM negra de Colt. Ideal para tu rifle, ofrece estilo y funcionalidad. 🛠️ ¡Mejora tu experiencia de tiro!
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