- Cartucho: 30-30 Imp 40
- Tipo de die: -
- Peso de entrega: 0,59kg
- UPC: 611760804311
N.º de producto: 749007061
N.º fabr.: 80431
611760804311 Los conjuntos de dies FL de Redding incluyen el die de tamaño completo (FL) y el die de asientos estándar. Al hacer el pedido, por favor indícanos el número del conjunto de dies de tamaño completo.338/06 A-SQUARE FULL LENGTH DIE SET 15/03/2017
As of 3/2017, this set of dies comes with the tapered expander button on the sizer. Very helpful for necking up 30/06 brass and having concentric results. I've necked up Federal, Winchester, and Hornady brass (no Lapua on hand, yet) and the worst offender had less than .002" of run-out.
Excellent Dies 09/03/2011
These dies are perfect, just like all Redding dies. The FL die comes standard with a tapered expander button which makes it simple and easy to form brass from regular .30-06 brass. You can't go wrong with this die set.
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