High-Quality Replacements For Many Obsolete Pistols
Repuestos de Alta Calidad para Muchas Pistolas Obsoletas
Cartucho:22 Long Rifle
Modelo:High Standard Magazines,Sport King
Tipo de arma:High Standard
Peso de entrega:0,091kg
Altura de envío:18mm
Ancho de envío:114mm
Longitud de envío:198mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.x
Opiniones de clientes
Calificaciones de clientes (3)
2,7 / 5
Ligeramente recomendable
Triple-K could do better 13/09/2018
Failed to feed after two rounds fired. Had to file the rear of the magazine in order for the magazine to lock in the gun. Also had to file a notch in the left rear of the magazine so that it would not interfere with the ejector. Have not gone to the range to see if it functions correctly after making these adjustments. Will do so this weekend and report results.
Claramente recomendable
High Standard 22 mags 13/04/2016
This is my second order for these magazines. I ordered one previous and found it to feed very well. These work very well, they are easier to use than the original factory ones. They are built very rugged. Thank You
No recomendable
Didn't work for me 19/08/2015
Feels like lighter spring over original. Will not reload properly two out of 4 times. Won't feed quick enough. Cartridge will jam at an angle Used with Remington, Federal and CCI 36 and 40 grain ammo.
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Descubre el cargador HIGH STANDARD SPORTKING de 10RD 22LR. Perfecto para tu .22 ⚡, fabricado en acero y acabado en negro.
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Cargadores de reemplazo de alta calidad para mantener en funcionamiento pistolas obsoletas.
Fabricados en EE. UU. con costuras soldadas, seguidores mecanizados y resortes de alambre musical.
Capacidad de 10 rondas, hechos de acero con acabado negro mate.