Las balas Hornady InterLock tienen una ojiva secante aerodinámica, proporcionando trayectorias planas y alta precisión.
El anillo InterLock asegura que el núcleo de aleación de plomo y la chaqueta permanezcan unidos, permitiendo una penetración profunda y expansión controlada.
Diseñadas para el calibre .338, estas balas de 250 grains son ideales para cualquier tipo de caza.
Ballistic Coefficient (G1):0.291
Calibre:338 Caliber
Diameter (Breech):0.338
Diametro (in):0.338
Estilo de la marca:InterLock
Peso del proyectil (Grains):
Sectional Density:0.313
Tipo de Proyectil:Round Nose (RN)
Peso de entrega:1,678kg
Altura de envío:56mm
Ancho de envío:91mm
Longitud de envío:107mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A505.x
Hornady InterLock Bullets feature an aerodynamic secant ogive, delivering flat trajectories and great accuracy. Tapered jacket for deep penetration and controlled expansion. InterLock ring locks core and jacket together. Lead alloy core is tough enough for any game.
Las balas Hornady InterLock cuentan con un ogiva secante aerodinámica, ofreciendo trayectorias planas y gran precisión. Chaqueta cónica para una penetración profunda y expansión controlada. El anillo InterLock une el núcleo y la chaqueta. El núcleo de aleación de plomo es lo suficientemente resistente para cualquier tipo de caza.
Top takeaways
Las balas Hornady InterLock tienen una ojiva secante aerodinámica, proporcionando trayectorias planas y alta precisión.
El anillo InterLock asegura que el núcleo de aleación de plomo y la chaqueta permanezcan unidos, permitiendo una penetración profunda y expansión controlada.
Diseñadas para el calibre .338, estas balas de 250 grains son ideales para cualquier tipo de caza.
Ballistic Coefficient (G1):0.291
Calibre:338 Caliber
Diameter (Breech):0.338
Diametro (in):0.338
Estilo de la marca:InterLock
Peso del proyectil (Grains):
Sectional Density:0.313
Tipo de Proyectil:Round Nose (RN)
Peso de entrega:1,678kg
Altura de envío:56mm
Ancho de envío:91mm
Longitud de envío:107mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A505.x
Opiniones de clientes
Calificaciones de clientes (11)
4,8 / 5
Claramente recomendable
Accurate and very consistent shooting. 23/05/2017
Work great in my 25-35. Never a problem and very consistent accuracy.
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Excellent Bullets for the 30-30 05/11/2016
I purchased some 160FTX for my 30-30 and LVR powder, but best groups I could get was 3"-4" at 100 yards. I was thinking my 30-30 was off for accuracy, but after loading up these, set to 2.550", roll crimp with 35.3gn of LVR, these shot just at 1" at 100 yards with my Henry 30-30. If one of the rounds would have been removed, it would have been 3/4" group. I was relieved to see the group, and found my deer round for this rifle. Hornady doesn't publish LVR info for this bullet, and I have no idea why... I was given this recipe by a friend who uses QuickLoad, and as usual, it was spot on.
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270 win Deer, Elk bullet 17/09/2016
Reasonable price, great performance, and super accurate. I have used this bullet for varmints, antelope, deer and elk.
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270 win Deer, Elk bullet 17/09/2016
Reasonable price, great performance, and super accurate. I have used this bullet for varmints, antelope, deer and elk.
Extremely Accurate! 18/01/2016
This bullet is the most accurate hunting bullet I've ever used in my .30-06! 5 shots into .492" at 100 yards! Absolutely love it and use it often for both hunting and target practice. My only somewhat negative feedback is that the Interlock design seems a little too tough for white tail deer. I shot two deer last season, one at 140 yards and the other at about 100 yards. Right in the chest area and the bullets punched right through. In fact the exit wound on one deer looked like a scalpel incision. I found both deer after they had run about 50 yards each. I just thought at those distances the bullets for have opened up more...
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180 Gr Spitzer Interlock - AWESOME 20/12/2014
I have loaded this bullet since Hornady invented it for my Remington 700 Bolt Action 30:06. Harvesting over 60 Whitetail with 1 shot each up to 200 yards in PA & WV. This interlock bullet is an absolute hammer with tremendous shocking, knock down power. My 06 likes IMR4350 @ 54.5 gr., CCI 200 LRP with an overall loaded case length of 3.245" as per the Hornady Loading Manual 3rd Edition. 1" groups @ 100 yds. Thanks Hornady for this awesome bullet. Customer for life.
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I HIGHLY reccomend this cartridge!!!!!!! 14/12/2013
Used to use a Federal 140 grain in Trophy Bonded Bear Claw. They stopped making it about 6yrs ago. Was told by an ex-hunting buddy,that Hornady was an excellent round to shoot. Everything I shot with that Federal round,hit the ground!!!!!!! Everything ive shot with the Hornady BTSP 139grain does the same thing!!!!!!! I wont shoot anything else, unless,...they stop making this one too!
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Accurate bullet! 25/10/2013
I recently used this bullet in the Factory load in my .358 Win. It preformed very well on a nice WA 4X5 WT buck. I hit the buck at 25 yards going straight away from me, jumped up in the sage brush we were hunting in, the round entered the right side about 2nd rib from the back, travelled along the ribs breaking 8 total before exiting the shoulder and breaking the right front leg! This was not fatal, the buck flopped and spun his way through the sage for another 30 yards before he broke into the open for broadside shot, high lung hit, that put him down. Impressive penetration on the first shot and impressive lack of blood shot meat on the second shot, not to mention the exit wound was big enough for a piece of firewood to fit in! This round was astonishingly accurate on range! 5 shot group at 100 yards measured 1 1/8" out of my Browning A-bolt!
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Excellent for Mosin Nagant 16/03/2012
I use this in my Mosin Nagant as my bore slugs .313. I use 53grs. H4831 w/CCI Lge rifle primer. Got a 3 shot 3/4" group at 50 yds at the range last week. Will be shooting 100 yds. this week.
as good as it gets 26/02/2012
very accurate, sub 1/2 inch 100 yd three round groups in a remington 742 30-06. could probably do better but thats the best i can shoot. you can buy more expensive bullets for hunting but you really won't get better ones.
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I have know doubts about my shots. 06/10/2010
I have only tried hornady light magnum 25 cal 117 gr btsp I am hooked for life, only one problem I can't not find them anymore at (Academy) (Bass Pro Shop)so now I am looking for the best bullets that I have ever used but they just vanish off the earth so could you tell me where to go and find them sign desparate hunter thanks CJ.
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Descubre las balas Hornady InterLock .338 Caliber 🎯, perfectas para caza con gran precisión y expansión controlada. ¡Mejora tu tiro!
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Las balas Hornady SST tienen un perfil aerodinámico para trayectorias ultra-planas y una punta de polímero para rápida expansión.
La construcción robusta con la característica InterLock garantiza una penetración profunda en cada disparo.
Las balas Nosler AccuBond utilizan un proceso de unión patentado que elimina las cavidades en el núcleo, mejorando la precisión y el rendimiento balístico.
El diseño Spitzer con punta de polímero permite una penetración profunda y retención de peso, ideal para caza.
Calibre 9.3mm, 250 grains, coeficiente balístico (G1) de 0.494, densidad seccional de 0.267, y diámetro de 0.366 pulgadas, disponibles en cajas de 50 unidades.
Las balas Nosler Ballistic Tip combinan precisión de competición con rendimiento para caza.
La punta de policarbonato resistente proporciona una nariz extremadamente puntiaguda para un coeficiente balístico más alto.
Calibre: 20 Caliber, Tipo de Proyectil: Spitzer, Grain: 40, Coeficiente Balístico (G1): 0.239.
La Nosler Partition es conocida por su superior expansión, precisión y capacidad para abatir presas en cualquier situación de caza.
Cuenta con un exclusivo núcleo dual que resiste impactos de alta velocidad a corta distancia y se expande de manera confiable a largo alcance.
Calibre: 30 Caliber (0.308"), Tipo de Proyectil: Spitzer, Grain: 150, Coeficiente Balístico (G1): 0.387.
Las balas A-MAX de Hornady utilizan el Proceso de Manufactura Avanzado (AMP) para obtener el mejor coeficiente balístico posible.
El Perfil Ogival Secante ofrece un arrastre bajo y trayectorias planas, mientras que el núcleo de plomo prensado garantiza uniformidad y consistencia.
Estas balas BTHP permiten una precisión inigualable a largas distancias, ideales para el calibre .50 con un diámetro de 0.510 pulgadas y un peso de 750 grains.