Mejora el reseteo táctil del gatillo y actúa como medida de seguridad en caso de rotura del resorte de retorno.
Compatible con modelos Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, .357 Sig y .40 S&W sin seguro de pulgar, desconexión de cargador ni Sistema de Bloqueo Interno.
No funciona en la variante VTAC debido a la configuración del bloque de alojamiento del fiador.
Tipo de arma:Smith & Wesson
Peso de entrega:0,005kg
Altura de envío:6mm
Ancho de envío:83mm
Longitud de envío:146mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.x
Hacer: Smith & Wesson
Modelo: M&P
54.9EUR954,90 €
Los precios incluyen el IVA, y el transporte de EE.UU a España, no incluye el envío a su domicilio.
N.º de producto: 100006609
N.º fabr.: 100-069
856008005161 Diseñado para mejorar el reinicio táctil del gatillo de tu pistola M&P. Sirve como un sistema de seguridad en el improbable caso de que se rompa el resorte de retorno del gatillo. Mantiene la barra del gatillo correctamente posicionada bajo el percutor, permitiendo al usuario manipular manualmente el gatillo hacia adelante entre disparos. Este producto funciona únicamente en modelos Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, .357 Sig y .40 S&W que NO INCLUYEN un seguro de pulgar, desconexión de cargador o el sistema de bloqueo interno. EL PRODUCTO NO FUNCIONARÁ EN LA VARIANTE VTAC DEBIDO A CAMBIOS EN LA CONFIGURACIÓN DEL BLOQUE DE ALOJAMIENTO DEL PERCUTOR. Maquinado de precisión y tratado térmicamente para cumplir con nuestras estrictas especificaciones de control de calidad, con la máxima durabilidad y longevidad en mente. Hecho en EE. UU.
Engineered to improve tactile trigger reset of your M&P pistol Serves as a failsafe in the unlikely event of a trigger return spring breakage Keeps the trigger bar properly positioned under the sear and allowing the user to manually manipulate the trigger forward between shots This product works in Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, .357 Sig and .40 S&W models only that DO NOT INCLUDE a thumb safety, Magazine Disconnect or the Internal Locking System PRODUCT WILL NOT WORK IN VTAC VARIANT DUE TO CHANGE IN SEAR HOUSING BLOCK CONFIGURATION Precision machined and heat treated to out rigid quality control specifications with the utmost durability and longevity in mind Made in the USA
Diseñado para mejorar el reinicio táctil del gatillo de tu pistola M&P. Sirve como un sistema de seguridad en el improbable caso de que se rompa el resorte de retorno del gatillo. Mantiene la barra del gatillo correctamente posicionada bajo el percutor, permitiendo al usuario manipular manualmente el gatillo hacia adelante entre disparos. Este producto funciona únicamente en modelos Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, .357 Sig y .40 S&W que NO INCLUYEN un seguro de pulgar, desconexión de cargador o el sistema de bloqueo interno. EL PRODUCTO NO FUNCIONARÁ EN LA VARIANTE VTAC DEBIDO A CAMBIOS EN LA CONFIGURACIÓN DEL BLOQUE DE ALOJAMIENTO DEL PERCUTOR. Maquinado de precisión y tratado térmicamente para cumplir con nuestras estrictas especificaciones de control de calidad, con la máxima durabilidad y longevidad en mente. Hecho en EE. UU.
Top takeaways
Mejora el reseteo táctil del gatillo y actúa como medida de seguridad en caso de rotura del resorte de retorno.
Compatible con modelos Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, .357 Sig y .40 S&W sin seguro de pulgar, desconexión de cargador ni Sistema de Bloqueo Interno.
No funciona en la variante VTAC debido a la configuración del bloque de alojamiento del fiador.
Tipo de arma:Smith & Wesson
Peso de entrega:0,005kg
Altura de envío:6mm
Ancho de envío:83mm
Longitud de envío:146mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.x
Opiniones de clientes
Calificaciones de clientes (15)
4,3 / 5
Claramente recomendable
Doesn't work in newer M&Ps 29/07/2015
Will not fit new M&Ps so please do more research before buying (unlike I did).
Claramente recomendable
Easily worth the price. 02/12/2014
I have one of these in each of my M&P Pro series pistols. They are easily worth the $18. It's somewhere tricky to determine if your pistol "qualifies" for the RAM, but Apex's website is pretty helpful ( Just don't get your roll pin confused with the frame plug for the ILS.
No recomendable
Confused 04/11/2014
So, My M&P does not have the mag disconnect, does not have a thumb safety, and does not have the internal safety hole for a key. I take apart my pistol to install this, and I can't. So, I'm a bit confused why my pistol meets the requirements, but still does not match. Is it because it is a newer/recently made pistol? Apex refers you to their youtube channel for instructions, by the way. the quality of the video is so horrendous that you can't even see what the man is doing. Not great customer support. I'm returning them (bought two for my pistols).
Claramente recomendable
The reason I bought an M&P again 13/09/2014
I had an M&P 9c. I sold it and have since bought 4 Glocks. I always preferred the Glock trigger, mainly because of the reset being so audible and tactile. I have shot many pistol classes with these and have really appreciated it. Recently, at a class a buddy had an M&P 40 with this piece and a forward set sear trigger from apex tactical as well. I tried it out and was very impressed.
1 month later I now have an M&P pro and have installed this part. I am very happy with its operation and would highly recommend this to anyone looking into the M&P series.
Claramente recomendable
Great M&P Enhancement 17/01/2014
This definitely improves the reset of the gun and makes it more positive and tactile.
Very high quality and simple to install.
I installed it in my M&P9 Fullsize and M&P9 Pro 5"
drop in improvement 01/06/2013
I just installed this RAM in my M&P40 and I'm happy with it but not super impressed. The part is a straight drop in and literally no more difficult than changing disconnects in a Glock. It does help pull the trigger bar back under the disconnect portion of the sear but it's still fairly soft and quiet. I can't really feel the reset but it can be heard if resetting slowly.
I also own Apex's hard sear and competition spring kit (sear spring and trigger return spring installed), with all listed parts installed my trigger breaks at 3.5lbs consistently where stock was 6.5lbs on a good day. Apex has taken a good gun and made it great! The next step is to sell these parts to S&W so they can put them in every gun. I may get the Apex trigger next!
One tip for installation, mine kept hanging up on the frame as I tried to drop the trigger block back in, but pulling the trigger bar towards the right side of the frame will pull the RAM off the frame. Otherwise follow all instructions on Apex's Youtube channel.
Claramente recomendable
right part, wrong frame 14/04/2013
Ordered the apex ram & it turns out the frame i have is the wrong one. Mine is a 9L but it does not have the little alloy round plug on the left hand side at the back next 2 the roll pin. If your m&p has a thumb safety or a small black plug where the safety is supposed 2 go, DON'T buy the R.A.M as it will not fit. Apex have addressed this issue on their youtube page. but the video came out 4 days after i ordered it & only found out when i installed the fss& trigger today.
Claramente recomendable
Nice Addition. 16/11/2012
This should be a factory piece. Very easy to install. Like stated by others, watch the video on youtube. I can't wait to try it at the range. I will eventually add all the APEX goodies for my M&P.
Claramente recomendable
This should be factory standard 02/09/2012
This eliminates the major complaint about M&P triggers, completely. I installed this along with the Competition Action Enhancement Kit, and I've so far threw a few thousand rounds downrange at Steel Challenge, IDPA, and USPSA. The reset is crisp, audible, and palpable, and the RAM doesn't change the trigger pull in any way other than that. It's excellent.
I saw Biggins Tactical's complaint that it does not work in the coyote brown carry kit -- S&W offers this as a "carry kit" to certain distributors. My bet is this is the same frame as the VTAC edition, just minus the VTAC sights and the brown refinished slide. If you look, there's no hole for the lawyer lock on either the VTAC or the coyote brown carry kit, and that's what the RAM uses to do what it does. If you REALLY wanted, you could probably replace the entire sear housing (Brownells sells this, and it's not hard!), but if you have a brown frame, you're probably going to have a bad time.
Lastly, if you're afraid of installation, Apex has a video, and it's really, really simple. If you can field strip and reassemble an AR-15, you can install this easily.
No recomendable
All the parts i have used from apex are great. I bought this in the hopes of installing on my new M&P 9mm but sadly my sear block does not have the hole for it. I do not have the VTAC edition. I bought my gun in the range carry kit in kyote brown with the holsters and 3 clips. So be aware that your sear block may not be able to except this even if it is not a VTAC.
Claramente recomendable
Much better reset feel 01/07/2012
I have now put about 200 rounds through the M&P with this device. Being used to a more pronounced reset, this device has been a great help to me when shooting the M&P - which I felt had too soft of a stock reset.
Claramente recomendable
EXCELLENT 18/04/2012
After installing this excellent kit, I can feel and hear the trigger reset.
Claramente recomendable
M&P as it should have come from factory 07/03/2012
My ONLY complaint about the S&W M&P pistols has a always been the almost non-existent trigger reset. The RAM from Apex Tactical is very easy to install, but take your time. It really improves the trigger reset feel and makes the pistol into the product that should have come from the factory. My students really appreciate the resulting improvement with the RAM.
Recommended 15/02/2012
Bought two. Installed one in a 9mm M&P and the other in a .40 M&P. Watch the YouTube video first, then pull out your brass hammer, 1/8" brass punch, and roll of duct tape. 10 minute install on one pistol. Other pistol turned into 1 1/2 hour job but NOT the fault of the RAM; turned out the trigger reset bar had a tiny "notch" in the riser that gave a false reset (tactile and audible "click") when the riser passed under the striker safety plunger. Cleaned up the "notch" with a small diamond file. Speaks to the improvement provided by the RAM that it revealed the issue with my pistol. Most folks should expect the 10-minute job after watching the video. I highly recommend it; it's not perfect, but it's very, very good.
Claramente recomendable
I loved it so much, I bought two! 15/10/2011
This part for the M&P pistols is well worth the money. It greatly increases the tactile reset of the trigger and you also hear it as well. I put one in my Pro Series and the other in my Compact carry and it makes a difference. It is like a Glock trigger reset.
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Mejora el reseteo táctil de tu M&P con el Reset Assist Mechanism de APEX. 🔧 Garantiza seguridad y durabilidad en cada disparo.
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