- Talla: 8 oz
- Peso de entrega: 0,091kg
- Altura de envío: 66mm
- Ancho de envío: 165mm
- Longitud de envío: 201mm
- UPC: 050806022454
N.º de producto: 084037001
N.º fabr.: 0024020250
050806022454 Facilita la aplicación de cold blues, aceites de corte y lubricantes, evitando que te dé la tentación de usar un trapo sucio. Picos de recogida en la parte inferior para una aplicación precisa o aprieta con fuerza para inundar un área.Both leak-one by defect both by design 20/05/2013
Bought to mix my Kroil and Shooter's choice in and use to clean rifles and take to the range. Liked the idea of having a shorter more compact bottle to carry in my range bag and fit on a shorter shelf but, of the set I bought, one had a hole in the seam in the lower portion of the bottle that squirted all over me as I tried to use it and leaked when sitting idle. The other just sits and drips from the spout constantly by design. Not worth shipping to return but, won't buy another like it! may try to put a pin hole in the top to keep it from dripping from the spout but, then won't feel comfortable carrying to the range for fear of spills/mess!
Works well - with an easy modification 20/03/2010
Been using these for years as coolant, oil and CLP dispensers. Like the other reviewer, I found out quickly that the fluid would drip unless loosening the top.
What I did was just drill a small (#40 or 50 bit) vent hole in the center of the top. This allows air to return and prevents drip. Hole is small enough that bottle will still dispense when squeezed, although more slowly. To get full flow of fluid simply place index finger over vent hole when dispensing.
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