- Cartucho: 9 mm Luger
- Tipo de die: Taper Crimp Dies
- Peso de entrega: 0,091kg
- Altura de envío: 10mm
- Ancho de envío: 30mm
- Longitud de envío: 106mm
- UPC: 734307907808
N.º de producto: 100053279
N.º fabr.: 90780
734307907808 El Die de Taper Crimp de Lee está hecho de acero endurecido y está diseñado para solucionar problemas de crimpado causados por un mal diseño del die. Las balas con chaqueta deben tener una ranura de crimpado.Works well at about half the price 11/04/2014
The only thing I'm not terribly happy with is the O ring adjustment lock. I think it's about 90% as good as the RCBS adjustment lock rings that you lock with an Allen wrench and they STAY locked, however, if I really want, I can order inexpensive RCBS lock rings and use them on my Lee dies. Besides, I didn't have enough crimp on my .45 ACP lead semi-wadcutters, and when I inserted a loaded round into the die and added crimp to where I thought it should be, and tried to tighten the Lee lock ring with a crescent wrench without holding the die with another crescent wrench, the die turned in the 3 die turret until it stopped tightly up against the cartridge case. I looked at the taper crimp on the cartridge in the die, and found it to be perfect. I loaded the rest of my empty cases and found that the press handle "broke over" a little near the end of the stroke assuring as tight a crimp as possible. I have found no problems with this method after loading and firing 5 rounds, and the rest of my reloaded .45's look great!
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