Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.x
Acabado: Black
Capacidad: 10-Round
Cartucho: 308 Winchester
Hacer: AR .308
Material: Steel
Cantidad: 1
39.9EUR39,90 €
Los precios incluyen el IVA, y el transporte de EE.UU a España, no incluye el envío a su domicilio.
N.º de producto: 100022696
N.º fabr.: DHT-12132-RT
766897411304 Cargador SR25 de patrón 308 diseñado para .308. El cuerpo del cargador está hecho de acero y está disponible en versiones de 10 (Seguidor Naranja) o 20 (Seguidor Verde) cartuchos.
SR25 Pattern 308 Magazine chambered in .308. The magazine body is made from steel and available in either 10 (Orange Follower) or 20 (Green Follower) rounds.
Cargador SR25 de patrón 308 diseñado para .308. El cuerpo del cargador está hecho de acero y está disponible en versiones de 10 (Seguidor Naranja) o 20 (Seguidor Verde) cartuchos.
Cartucho:308 Winchester
Tipo de arma:AR .308
Peso de entrega:0,156kg
Altura de envío:38mm
Ancho de envío:114mm
Longitud de envío:273mm
Detalles del artículo
Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.x
Opiniones de clientes
Calificaciones de clientes (8)
3,8 / 5
No recomendable
They fall out 07/10/2018
I bought 3 of these mags FOR AN AR-10. My advice...DON'T BUY THEM!!!
Your wasting your money. When the rifle is fired they just fall out. Happens every time I pull the trigger. Then I found that I can just pull them out of the weapon without pressing the release button. At first I thought just one had the problem but after testing all 3 they all pull out with only slight effort. They all seat and the catch settles into the retaining hole but with a little pull and a wiggle they just come right out. I thought that the mag retainer had a problem so I tested all my PMAGS. Not one of them failed.
Claramente recomendable
Satisfied 07/08/2018
Fits great in my anodize Noreen lower. Freely drops out when called to do so. Holds bolt back on last round fires. When filled to capacity, I can push it in on a closed bolt. Good bench shooting mag. Dependable so far.
No recomendable
Does Not Fit DPMS RFLR G2B24 28/04/2018
I have a DPMS RFLR G2B24. I bought one of these to evaluate since the ones with the light green follower are no longer available; those fit the rifle without any problems. This one requires too much force to insert it into the magazine well; itâs just too tight. Removal is very difficult; it does not fall free.
I should mention that I bought one of the 10 round versions of the magazine and that one fits the rifle without any problems. It inserts easily and falls free when the magazine release is pressed.
The overall construction is excellent. It has an orange, anti-tilt follower and holes to view the approximate number of cartridges. The magazine is 3/8â longer than the previous model with the light green follower. Unfortunately, the magazine I received is missing the right forward follower stop, i.e. broken off. The stop is about half the size of the model with the light green follower and may be an indication of a design flaw that makes it too fragile and subject to failure.
Returned for credit.
Great but with a hitch 25/04/2018
This magazines issue isn't the magazines fault, I have an Armalite AR-10A and the magazines are TIGHT in the mag well, as in non-dropfree tight. Again, not the fault of the magazine, just the variation of different rifle manufacturers.
Claramente recomendable
awesome mags ! 09/04/2018
These mags are burly , they DO hold 20 and they DO load on a closed bolt when loaded with 20 rounds. Orange follower is easy to see in the dark recesses of the upper receiver . Just shy of 9 ounces.....labeled viewing holes cut in the body of the mag ...10,15 and 20........what is not to like ?
Claramente recomendable
works in Galil ACE and PSA G2 in 7.62x51 17/03/2018
If you want steel feed lips the D&H 20rd mag is 7 oz and Lancer LWM 20rd is 6 oz.
D&H has functioned fine and is half the cost of a Lancer mag.
Works fine in my PA-10 gen2 28/12/2017
Bought one to give it a go in my newest toy (Palmeto State Armory gen 2 PA-10). So far zero issues, boring like its suppose to be in other words. It drops free and the bolt holds open on last round. Finish is actually rather nice. Who knows how it holds up long term but so far so good. The thing seems solid in a brick like fashion. The only draw back for me is that it is noticeably heavier than say, a 20 round Pmag while at the same time taking up way less vertical space.
Bottom line.... Good looking, functional mag that seems tough, while weighing a couple ounces more than the biggest plastic competitor. Ya, I'm buying more for my PA-10.
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Descubre el cargador AR .308 de D&H Industries, 10-RD de acero negro. Ideal para tus necesidades de tiro. 🔥 ¡Consíguelo ahora!
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El Micrometer Top Bullet Seater Die de L.E. Wilson garantiza profundidades de asentamiento de bala precisas con incrementos de 0.001 pulgadas.
Construido con acero inoxidable duradero, es una herramienta robusta y fácil de usar.
Ideal para uso con una Arbor Press, permite ajustar la profundidad de asentamiento en el campo de tiro, ahorrando múltiples viajes.
Cargador externo de polímero con patrón AICS, compatible con sistemas de chasis MDT y otros chasis tipo M24.
Compatible con calibres 308 Winchester, 6/6.5 Creedmoor, 6/6.5x47 Lapua, 243 Win y 7mm-08, con una capacidad de 10 rondas.
Gen2 con longitud de cartucho (COL) más larga de 2.87", ideal para acción corta.